GREAT Project Consortium
GREAT Project Consortium – GREAT builds on the strengths of a consortium of 11 partners and 3 affiliated entities, with direct links with +1000 stakeholders and +100 initiatives across multiple sectors (Land, Ocean and Maritime, Atmosphere and Climate, Disasters Geohazards Emergency, Security and Safety and Built Environments) and User Communities and Markets (Defence and Security, Managed Living Resources, Financial and Digital Services, Infrastructure and Transport, Energy and Mineral Resources, Urban Development, Citizens and Society).
The Consortium members operate in partnership with Copernicus services, DIAS operators, Destination Earth, EMODnet, and bring expertise in federated system governance, federated service management, complex data infrastructure design, large-scale system integration, data value chains and market analysis.
It also brings links with other adjacent Data Spaces including Agriculture, Smart Communities, Mobility and Energy.